Monday, 2 August 2010


Sometimes it seems magnetic - the strong pull inward that causes a person to search deeply for the truth of their existence, to find meaning in life and seek to understand their purpose. It doesn’t let go. We can be distracted from it, but the core of our being is always there – urging us to stop focusing so much on external stimuli and turn the attention to the phenomenal world inside.

It takes dedication to tune out the noise of the ego, the demands of society and the taunting of the mind’s insecurities; to recharge our spiritual connection.

It is utterly impossible to be unhappy when you are fully aware of your direct link to All That Is.
When you know that regardless of how bad things seem in the moment, you are governed by a Protector who will guide you to safety, there is nothing to fear.

When you are able to keep pushing yourself forward with prayers on your lips and meditations in your spirit, how could you ever indefinitely fail?

Failure is not in the character of the blessed.
The Most High - not hateful and ready to strike you down with wrath, but loving and ready to show you the way back to your greatness.

Know from where you come and to where you are returning, and experience your happiness.

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