Friday, 24 June 2011

Tell it to your heart

When was the last time you sat down and have a heart to heart with yourself? Have you really examined your heart lately? Are you harbouring childhood wounds?

Even though we know there is always room for improvement, we tend to shy away from criticism. Our ego tells us we are being attacked and quite naturally we want to strike back. In order to be whole, healthy being, we need to know all there is to know about ourselves.

There comes a time when we have to pause to listen to what we are telling ourselves- “I’m so stupid” “I’m broke” “I don’t know how” “I can’t take it anymore..” yet in the midst of our dishonest chatter we are making great strides, accomplishing many tasks, overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. We keep lying to ourselves; we lied because we have been lied to- “you’re no good” “you can’t do it” “you`ll never make it” we can’t think because we have too many lies gyrating in our minds.

You may not know how to raise your self-esteem, but you definitely know how to stop lowering it.

When we think our enemy is gaining on us, we want to run and run. When we believe someone wants what we have, we squeeze the life right out of it. When we believe “they” are out to get us, we find “their traps” at every turn. Yet if we would just stop running, squeezing and suspecting, we would understand who “they” really are.

If you attack a problem you are going to get your butts whipped. Anything you attack will fight back. Chances are if you have a problem it’s bigger than you: It crept on you or you didn’t know what you are doing in the first place. DON’T ATTACK YOUR PROBLEM, FACE THEM. Understand what they are – that is the process. The solution is not always the answer, but the process is.

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