Tuesday 18 January 2011

The difference between Men and Boys...

A boy looks good with his shirt off .
A man looks good because of the way he looks at you.

A boy will smile during the good times .
A man will laugh during the bad.

A boy goes to work because he has to.
A man works because he can.

A boy buys a plasma screen television
A man accumulates a library

A boy will hug you in the kitchen
A man will hold your hand anywhere you're together

A boy knows how to load the washing machine
A man knows what doesn't go in the dryer

A boy can read the grocery list you have written
A man will shop it with you, put it away, and cook anything on it.

A boy will talk to you about lousy day
A man will ask you about yours, and listen.

A boy will read a to do list
A man knows what has to be done.

A boy will buy you flowers
A man will plant them with you.

A boy will tell you what you want to hear
A man will tell you what he has to say.

A boy will share a thought
A man will share his dreams.

A boy will tell you he feels good when he is with you
A man will tell you how he feels when he can't be at your side.

A boy will share intimate moments with you
A man....will share his life.

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