Sunday, 17 July 2011

Islamic Values vs. Muslim Values

The misconceptions that surround Islam in this day and age are too great to number. A repeated scene is that of a Muslim having a discussion with a non-Muslim and trying to explain that Muslims are not terrorists, Muslims are not wife-beaters, that these actions are the deeds of a few which are then unjustly imposed o¬n the whole Muslim population. But if the whole Muslim population had presented themselves in an Islamic manner in the first place, the reputation of a Muslim would be far too virtuous to allow the misdeeds of a few to tarnish the image of the whole Muslim world. But Muslims generally do not present Islamic values, they present Muslim values; and the difference between these two can sometimes be as vivid as night and day.

What do I mean by Islamic values and Muslim values? Islamic values are those that are set out in the Quran and the practice of the noble Messenger, Muhammad (S). Muslim values are those that are created as part of the culture of the Muslim communities. These include the day-to-day interaction between the Muslims and their outlook on Islam's rules and regulations. The difference is that Islam is perfect and pure, while the values formulated by the Muslims may or may not be in accordance with Islam. The detriment that arises from this is that many times precedence is given to the Muslim values over the Islamic values.

This is not to say that Muslims do not care about Islam, they care for and love Islam deeply, and they have concern for their children's Islamic upbringing and the welfare of the Muslims all over the world. But what happens is that certain practices become common among them and their mentalities are set on justifying these practices instead of accepting the Islamic rulings on such things. They become a part of the Muslim culture and mentality, and so it becomes difficult to try to explain to them that Islam forbids such things.

Because of this transformation in mentality, the average person in such a community will be hostile to someone bringing Islamic rulings forbidding things such as music and dancing and enforcing things like hijab and modest conduct. Having gatherings and parties that centre around music and dancing, and removal of the hijab and modest conduct have become common among many Muslims, and so they constitute what we have called Muslim values, as opposed to the Islamic values.

The Muslim values are caused by a relaxation on the enforcement of Islamic laws. The Islamic values, principles, and priorities are contained within these laws. Prayer, fasting, charity, hajj, hijab, modesty, being kind to others, giving parents their due rights, emphasizing the importance of marriage, attending the Islamic centers and masjids, gaining knowledge, all of these are designed to build spiritually healthy individuals and a spiritually healthy society. When the performance of these actions is relaxed then a void is created that is receptive for outside and often unIslamic ideals.
It behoves not a believing man and a believing woman that they should have any choice in their matter when Allah and His Apostle have decided a matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Apostle, he surely strays off a manifest straying. (Al-Ahzab, 33:36)

When the first questions you are asked is, Are you a Christian?

When the first questions you are asked is, Are you a Christian?

Many religious believers come off as arrogant in their dealings with others. This arrogance, when not simply a basic personality defect, is often a consequence of their absolute conviction that they couldn't possibly be wrong in what they say or believe. This failure to even consider self-reflection and self-criticism is not only self-destructive, but also dangerous for all those nearby as well.

Many people, the conception they were handed of the Christian faith is that you go around making judgments: So-and-so we know for sure is burning forever in the place, "You don't know that. That's speculation."
For me, interacting with countless people over the years who literally are carrying around an image, 'God is not good, and God is not good because my grandmother dies and at the funeral the pastor wanted us all to know for sure that my grandmother was burning in torment forever,"' he said.

Many of us Christians think it right to provide evidence to nonbelievers of the existence of their god. If a person believes based on good evidence, though, is that praiseworthy? Demons have 'good evidence' of God's existence - would Christians praise them for this? Of course not: Belief based upon evidence is not valued in orthodox Christianity.

Instead, points to Scriptures where Jesus says he is restoring all things and drawing all people to himself.

"And Jesus tells stories in which the key character doesn't give up on, on whatever is lost," he said. "And I think we should take that seriously. I don't know what God has in mind, but I do know that this story that Jesus tells causes us to pause before we make any of those sorts of judgments. Be very careful because God may be up to something way, way bigger than you've ever been able to comprehend."

Heaven is not a faraway place but a renewal of the earth that begins here and now. We believe the spectrum of people who will be part of it is "wide and expansive." Hell, we say, is the consequence of choosing not to be part of God's massive embrace.

"God is throwing a party and everybody's invited, but if you don't want to come, you are given that option."
Many people hear about the judgment before the love. "But if you start with the love and the judgment flows out of that, God's love is for us to flourish in God's good world. For us to flourish in God's good world, judgments have to be made. Well, that then ... puts judgment in its proper place."

If you a too critical of your own child they will rebel, not telling your children you love them always but always quick keep picking their faults and what will befall them if they trespass
People to see that Jesus' ultimate message was about love, not just avoiding hell.

"Jesus didn't come along and say, 'You don't want to be a part of that thing, do you?' No. he came along and said, 'Trust me. Something big is going down. Here is a taste.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Jealousy and Self-esteem

Just like jealousy is the surest way to get rid of the very person you are afraid of losing. When you say I love you it means “I want the very best for you whether or not am in the picture” We must acknowledge any feelings of jealousy to understand what they are, jealousy is the signpost of the longing in your subconscious mind.

You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy. Instead of thinking about what you are missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.

If you are not good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, you will resent the time and energy you give another person that you are not even giving to yourself.

We have such a poor images of ourselves that we have difficulty understanding the goodness other sees in us. When someone pays us compliment, we are quick to point out what is wrong with us, when some encourage us, we remind them of our failures

Having a low opinion of yourself is not "modesty". It's self-destruction. Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not "egotism". It's a necessary precondition to happiness and success

 “ I compliment the a lady about her rather resounding figure and she quipped with about her big bottom line, AM NOT BLIND SISTA, WHO GIVE A FLYING CRAP ABOUT YOUR BEHIND” we play ourselves down to such  a degree that others begin to question our faith.

Self-confidence gives you the freedom to make mistakes and cope with failure without feeling that your world has come to an end or that you are a worthless person, once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.

We can only accept compliment others give if we give them to ourselves first. Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.

Go out in the world and work like money doesn't matter, Sing as if no one is listening, and Love as if you have never been hurt, and Dance as if no one is watching, Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.

There are times when we find ourselves at odd with someone. It may seem that our only choice is to walk away but for our ego to prove we are right and walking away will make the other person a winner, your ego keep recognising there is another choice, whatever situation faces us we must recognise our choice to peace, we can let go the need to prove ourselves, a friend one said,

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance

“Don’t argue with a stupid person for they drag you down and bit you with their vast knowledge in stupidity”
Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider! Trust me there is no rehab for stupidity

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Suspicion enhance Paranoia

Suspicion is not less an enemy to virtue than to happiness; he that is already corrupt is naturally suspicious, and he that becomes suspicious will quickly be corrupt.

We let fear of the unknown or rather we often get suspicious everybody’s motive to get near us out of fear that they are going to get us, often out of stupidity we often drive off the angel and let the devil in, because angels are too good to be true, just like a lady often suspicious of a man that comes across being too good for her ideal kind of man.

Often men are too worried being nice to a lady because she will feel he`s after a gratitude Fuck! And most men reads a dead meaning to a lady being nice thinking she gaggling for it and feeling his Mr wonderful.

Not only don't I know who I am, but I'm very suspicious of people who do know who they are. I am sometimes ten or twelve people a day, and sometimes four or five people an hour. You can't be suspicious of a tree, or accuse a bird or a squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet

I love friends, I want more friends. I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial-diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile gives us hope, freshness. If we want a genuine smile, then first we must produce the basis for a smile to come.

They tend to be suspicious, bristly, paranoid-type people with huge egos they push around like some elephantiasis victim with his distended testicles in a wheelbarrow terrified no doubt that some skulking ingrate of a clone student will sneak into his very brain and steal his genius work.

The more important the title, the more self-important the person, the greater the amount of time spent on the Eastern shuttle, the more suspicious the man and the less vitality in the organization

Along the way somewhere I got interested in the idea of church and culture, and why the church is so suspicious of the arts, and vice versa. I think lessons we learn as we reflect on theological framework for bioethical issues have ramifications in other spheres

Suspicion become an acute paranoia, in fact, they recapitulate the story of Christianity word for word, like the inevitable course of some unsightly disease: criminal ignorance, brutish stupidity, self-righteous bigotry, paranoid fear of outsiders. For the cultist, psychiatrists, the media, Government agencies have become Satan incarnate. Like the fundamental Christians, they have to be right.

We get paranoid about people staring at us. Even now we don't deal with people looking at us. I can't do it sometimes. I can't go out. I don't know how to react when people stare.

As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery… we have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness, however pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.