When the first questions you are asked is, Are you a Christian?
Many religious believers come off as arrogant in their dealings with others. This arrogance, when not simply a basic personality defect, is often a consequence of their absolute conviction that they couldn't possibly be wrong in what they say or believe. This failure to even consider self-reflection and self-criticism is not only self-destructive, but also dangerous for all those nearby as well.
Many people, the conception they were handed of the Christian faith is that you go around making judgments: So-and-so we know for sure is burning forever in the place, "You don't know that. That's speculation."
For me, interacting with countless people over the years who literally are carrying around an image, 'God is not good, and God is not good because my grandmother dies and at the funeral the pastor wanted us all to know for sure that my grandmother was burning in torment forever,"' he said.
Many of us Christians think it right to provide evidence to nonbelievers of the existence of their god. If a person believes based on good evidence, though, is that praiseworthy? Demons have 'good evidence' of God's existence - would Christians praise them for this? Of course not: Belief based upon evidence is not valued in orthodox Christianity.
Instead, points to Scriptures where Jesus says he is restoring all things and drawing all people to himself.
"And Jesus tells stories in which the key character doesn't give up on, on whatever is lost," he said. "And I think we should take that seriously. I don't know what God has in mind, but I do know that this story that Jesus tells causes us to pause before we make any of those sorts of judgments. Be very careful because God may be up to something way, way bigger than you've ever been able to comprehend."
Heaven is not a faraway place but a renewal of the earth that begins here and now. We believe the spectrum of people who will be part of it is "wide and expansive." Hell, we say, is the consequence of choosing not to be part of God's massive embrace.
"God is throwing a party and everybody's invited, but if you don't want to come, you are given that option."
Many people hear about the judgment before the love. "But if you start with the love and the judgment flows out of that, God's love is for us to flourish in God's good world. For us to flourish in God's good world, judgments have to be made. Well, that then ... puts judgment in its proper place."
If you a too critical of your own child they will rebel, not telling your children you love them always but always quick keep picking their faults and what will befall them if they trespass
People to see that Jesus' ultimate message was about love, not just avoiding hell.
"Jesus didn't come along and say, 'You don't want to be a part of that thing, do you?' No. he came along and said, 'Trust me. Something big is going down. Here is a taste.