Thursday 8 July 2010

Definition of a Man

While attempting to achieve all that makes up the idealistic man, I still stand alone staring up at the peak of the mountain, sometimes unable to make sense of it all.

Concerned about the question of my existence, like a child just beginning to live, there are things about Love, Life, and especially Women that I will never fully understand!

Once a wise person told me that, a man can't actually know himself until he knows what he truly wants from a woman. He has to prove his worth in more than the obvious ways known to the world.

It's more than his ability to make a buck; drive the biggest truck, and definitely, not how well he can fu*k!

Reality, which is fleeting at best, has a way to put the strongest of men to the ultimate test. Constantly pushing our ability to resist falling into line behind the rest of the losers in life, abusers of hearts, terrorists of the minds, and destroyers of the soul.

I must stand up and be counted more different than what is expected from the classless. Defining myself by what my soul knows to be right, embracing the diversity present in each of us!

To actually count as a man, one must always be able to separate himself from the beliefs and shallowness of the masses that make up humanity! So, let's drink a toast to the fool, who believes that he's too cool to belong to the community that surrounds him.

We, all must refuse to limit our hearts and minds to just attempting to find that person who fits the general definition of fine!

I am the sole survivor of countless wars for control of my feelings! Now is the time to throw off the chains that have blinded me to this plane of existence. Believing in myself, I must take flight regardless of the chances that may lead to a loss or failure.

Yet, I will never give up, always striving to be more than the average man, because after it's all said and done, it's my destiny to define!

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