Thursday 8 July 2010


Some good old saying that Satisfaction is an end of ambition.
Been pondering this saying in my head for a very long time, trying to figure out, that does that means one cant be truly satisfied in life?
Out of no where i started dissecting this saying in layers,

1 Well accepting certain scenario can be interpreted as you are satisfied with what ever u are, and as such there is no point in trying anymore?

2 Or can you accept and still want more? hmmm people might say you are greedy*********

but does that really bothers the said individual?

3 Will you just get caught up in a rapture and accept the inevitable?

It all boil down to WANTS isn't it?

I hope you find fulfillment in this new insight about
May it bring you peace and understanding, tranquility
and all that other profound stuff.

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