Thursday 8 July 2010


OLD ADAGE: If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck. Chances are it's probably a duck.

MORAL: No matter how you spell, or abbreviate it, the core definition remains the same.

WAKE UP! These terms are negatively viewed by all societies, and most would not address nor associate themselves with such nonsense. The OTHER pleaded their case for slavery by telling the world this was all you would ever be. If you refer to yourself as any of the above, they no longer have to audibly call you a NI99A.

A true "BOSS" never refers to himself as such. His presence, personality, and actions commands that reverence of his subordinates.

  A THUG usually doesn't have the self discipline to attain a JOB, which may provide the means of supporting a family. Therefore a THUG, more often than naught get's a rap sheet. (I ain't talking about no record deal.)

  For those of you exposing your best physical attributes on your webcams and posting the pictures. Do you realize they are there for the whole world to see? Although, I am but a MAN, if you don't respect yourself enough to clothe that which is naked, I will gladly look.

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